Why Bounty Hunter is great for Assault Class Increases the rate you earn battle points.Bounty Hunter, Toughen Up and Improved Thermal Detonator. There are three cards that work best with this class. Despite it’s moderate health of 150, this class is extremely mobile. This class specializes in close-to-medium range combat. You can only equip three star cards for each class, but there are ones that are the best for every class. Whether it be increasing your health, giving you more battle points or giving you better and stronger secondary weapons. For more information and details on the game you can head on over to the official website.In Star Wars: Battlefront 2, star cards make all abilities in the game stronger. You can look for DICE's Frostbite 3-powered shooter to arrive on the Xbox One, PC and PS4 on November 17th. Star Wars: Battlefront will be the last big AAA game of November to release, and after that it'll be Just Cause 3 and Rainbow Six: Siege to follow. The area is pretty tiny and the gameplay is quite miniscule in the segment, but it sure beats looking at a download bar slowly adding one percentage at a time while downloading 20GB worth of data. I don't know how long most people would suffice with playing the mini-game before they get bored. The left and right trigger work as a block and attack, and he has the ability to execute force choke, as well as force throw his lightsaber and perform a heavy swinging attack. The gameplay for Vader in the mini-game is identical to how he's played in the full version of Star Wars: Battlefront. It's a nice alternative to being thrown into the game, picking up the power-up by mistake and then being tasked with playing as the fallen Jedi for the first time while teammates are counting on you to not suck. The mini-game works as a great tutorial for learning how to play and master Darth Vader in Star Wars: Battlefront.